We've had quite a bit of activity on site in the last couple of weeks- at one point we had tilers, electricians, a plumber and us working (note to self whilst it sounds a good idea, with a house our size we were nearly tripping over each other). We've painted all of the house with a least a coat of watered down paint for the plasterboard, with most of it having a least 2 coats already. The main living space walls and ceilings fully painted, the bathroom and shower room also fully painted - just touching up to do one most of the works has been finished. We have also oxalic acid cleaned the internal oak beams and given them a coat of wax oil.
We've dug the water main into the house and the electrics to the boundary and laid a pipe to pull the BT cable through once we are out of the Caravan.
Whilst we've been doing all of that, the main living space has been tiled with our 600x600 limestone tiles they have been laid, sealed, grouted, cleaned and as I'm typing this the final coat sealer is drying - we've had a slight problem with the half of the tiles still not arrived (luckily enough have arrived for most of the living space to be done, which means we will able to make a start on moving the kitchen back into the house later in the week, we're still waiting for the remaining shipment to arrive in the UK from Germany).
STOP PRESS: It's now I need to drop the bombshell that the floor tiles was the first thing we jointly chose and completely agreed on throughout pretty much the whole build! Even better is that now they are down, we are still delighted with our choice - both of us! Obviously as things have progressed we haven't disagreed on everything, but in terms of picking a finishing product we both loved them almost as soon as we saw them. We chose Jura Grey Limestone 15mm Floor tiles and did quite a bit of hunting around to get them.
We ordered them from a local supplier to find out that they weren't available quick enough so I reverted to trawling the net and found enough to get us to the point that we could start on the kitchen. We've also been very pleased with the tiling and have been lucky to find a tiler http://stanstones.co.uk/ who comes highly recommended locally - and so far, so good!
The pipework on the shower has been carcassed prior to the tiling. The shower room has been partially tiled and should be finished tomorrow.
We've been trying to organise a supplier for the glass balustrade on the landing, but this is proving more expensive than anticipated. We really hope we can afford to do it, but we still need to do some work on this.
It really does feel like we are on the home straight now, still plenty to do but getting closer every day.
Oak beams cleaned and wax oiled
We've dug the water main into the house and the electrics to the boundary and laid a pipe to pull the BT cable through once we are out of the Caravan.
STOP PRESS: It's now I need to drop the bombshell that the floor tiles was the first thing we jointly chose and completely agreed on throughout pretty much the whole build! Even better is that now they are down, we are still delighted with our choice - both of us! Obviously as things have progressed we haven't disagreed on everything, but in terms of picking a finishing product we both loved them almost as soon as we saw them. We chose Jura Grey Limestone 15mm Floor tiles and did quite a bit of hunting around to get them.
We ordered them from a local supplier to find out that they weren't available quick enough so I reverted to trawling the net and found enough to get us to the point that we could start on the kitchen. We've also been very pleased with the tiling and have been lucky to find a tiler http://stanstones.co.uk/ who comes highly recommended locally - and so far, so good!
Cut around the naughty step
1st coat of sealer ready for grouting
The kitchen area is tiled
The pipework on the shower has been carcassed prior to the tiling. The shower room has been partially tiled and should be finished tomorrow.
We've been trying to organise a supplier for the glass balustrade on the landing, but this is proving more expensive than anticipated. We really hope we can afford to do it, but we still need to do some work on this.
It really does feel like we are on the home straight now, still plenty to do but getting closer every day.
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